Is it a one-time payment?


How many languages can I make with the basic/pro version?


Could I generate the same language as someone else?


How do I save my language?

After generating a language, go to Saving options option tab > Save This Language. This allows you to re-load the language at a later stage, and make further edits to the language. You can also export the language in various formats (HTML file, Spreadsheet, etc) or you can always manually copy and paste the entire language into a text editor, like Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

Can I request new features?

Yes! Please send feature requests (and bugs) to our subReddit page or hello@vulgarlang.com. You can also vote for features on our Trello board.

Can I use a language generated by Vulgar in a published work?

Yes! We do not claim copyright over any languages generated by Vulgar. You are the owner. Nor are your obligated to credit Vulgar in your work. However, we would appreciate the credit! Additionally, if you are using Vulgar for a major work, we would love to hear about it! Vulgar has been used to create languages for Amazon Game’s MMO New World, the Poison War series by Sam Hawke, and the webcomic Ennead.

The exception to this is you may not onsell a language generated by Vulgar by itself and pass it off as your own hand created work.

My custom spelling rules are being weird. What’s up with that?

It’s possible that you need to change the order of your rules.